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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Change in release date for English BT11 and BT10!!!

Latest News!!

There will be a change in release date for VGE-BT10 Triumphant Return of the King of Knights and VGE-BT11 Seal Dragons Unleashed!!

                                                             Release date: 25th October 2013

                                                          Release date: 13th December 2013

Yes! There will be a switch in release date for VGE-BT10 Triumphant Return of the King of Knights and VGE-BT11 Seal Dragons Unleashed!!

Also, a new trial deck for English version of Cardfight!! Vanguard is in the workd for the holiday season! tentatively titled EX-TD01!!!!


  1. bt11 comes out first??...

    1. oh no~
      but why??

    2. not surprised coz english bt04 come out 1st den bt03 come out

    3. no, order in english was bt01, bt02, bt06, bt03, bt07, bt04, bt05, bt08, bt09.

    4. Metatron users will ditch her so quickly for the celestials :'(

  2. What's you source?

  3. Source ? Is this official press release from Bushi ?

  4. So that means No Genesis till December!!!!
    Me sad T.T

    1. Correction: No mono-Genesis until December. Therefore, me also sad TT^TT

  5. Agreed with voganatsis, every Megatron or generally Angel feather user will ditch them so quick since their release to use Celestials.
    Chris Nakis

  6. https://www.facebook.com/notes/official-cardfight-vanguard-usa/press-release-bushiroad-unveils-world-championship-2013-new-cardfight-vanguard-p/474260939330270
